True Compassion
The discussion threads are becoming lively! Some apparently have taken issue with me saying that a minimum wage increase is not the way to go about being compassionate. But Christ's compassion was accomplished through private actions, not at the behest of the state. Here is a recent example of my own compassion.

Mexican President Vicente Fox, gratefully accepting my generous donation of pyramids
Which do you think Mexicans would appreciate more, an increase in the minimum wage, or some beatiful pyramids and mock Mayan villages?
The discussion threads are becoming lively! Some apparently have taken issue with me saying that a minimum wage increase is not the way to go about being compassionate. But Christ's compassion was accomplished through private actions, not at the behest of the state. Here is a recent example of my own compassion.
Mel Gibson Donates Pyramids to Mexico
Mel Gibson came to Mexico to learn about and film Mayan history. In gratitude, he’s decided to leave a little something behind.
Gibson will donate the sets from his movie, "Apocalypto,” when he is done filming in Veracruz, Mexico. The sets include six replicas of Mayan pyramids and several movie-set villages, according to the BBC.

Mexican President Vicente Fox, gratefully accepting my generous donation of pyramids
Which do you think Mexicans would appreciate more, an increase in the minimum wage, or some beatiful pyramids and mock Mayan villages?
Actually, an increase in Pesos.
So, as very lapsed almost Catholic (Father Mac didn't like questions during Catechism so he booted me out), how do you say "Fuck you" in latin???
There are many questions that the "Official" church does not like. That is why I have left it (or it has left me). Nice to see you have come here.
But as for your question, I'm not sure if there is an exact translation.
Thank you for the kind words. I guess I'll just have to communicate with Father Mac the old fashioned way ...
Do you ever sleep??
I think the mexican people would enjoy a wage increase. How does fake pyramids help anyone that isn't on a movie set? I'm sure Jesus would want people to make a decent wage and would not approve of people bragging about donations they have made. -jake
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