Bonus notitia ex Texas

Good news from Texas! He may not be a member of the True Church, but Tom DeLay is certainly a good man, and God (through the hand of Antonin Scalia) has decided that he wants him to remain in Congress(I was going to write him an email at his Congressional address, but I noticed his website is currently not working). Tom DeLay is the embodiment of the moral values of today's Republicans, and having him on the ballot as a constant reminder of Republican values is just great for America! The hammer drives another nail in the Democrats' coffin!

Good news from Texas! He may not be a member of the True Church, but Tom DeLay is certainly a good man, and God (through the hand of Antonin Scalia) has decided that he wants him to remain in Congress(I was going to write him an email at his Congressional address, but I noticed his website is currently not working). Tom DeLay is the embodiment of the moral values of today's Republicans, and having him on the ballot as a constant reminder of Republican values is just great for America! The hammer drives another nail in the Democrats' coffin!
Tom DeLay is a corrupt, unethical piece of trash jettisoned by D.C. He "Retired" rather than face lose credibility after being indicted for criminal conspiracy and money laundering. Charges of extortion and abuses of power have been leveled. I f you doubt me Google Tom DeLay-corruption and read. There are plenty of pseudo-christians in the republican party, and many of them have been investigated and indicted for numerous criminal and ethical charges. That is all.
Phillip you don't know what your talking about. Perhpas you need to stop listening to all those people who are all about hating Bush like Al Franken and starting learning some facts. The prosecutor there in Dallas is a Democrat and he is prosecuting Tom Delay because the only way Democrats can win is cheating.
Listen Elizabeth, You sound like a lock-stepping republican. I tend to lean towards RATIONAL thought, not party politics. I KNOW for a fact that this current administration is the most corrupt in this nations history, based on indictments and investigations by the Ethics Committee(filled with both republicans and democrats)so believe what you wish. Jack Abramoff has his dirty fingers all over the republican party. I PERSONALLY have voted for republicans and democrats, alike. Whomever can do the best job I say. The Ethics Committee says DeLay has been involved with shady deals for years, but without substantial proof. Now they have proof. Just cuz someone says they are a christian, doesn't make it so.(Ralph Reed) That is all.Gode Bless.
I meant God Bless. My bad.
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