
Cal Thomas is an extremely perceptive and patriotic analyst of the political trends in our country, and as usual, he has hit the nail right on the head with respect to the Lamont insurgents:
One thing I admire about Joe Lieberman is that he realizes that any minute a swarm of Lamont suppporters could jump him and rip his body apart limb from limb, or perhaps even perpetrate an impromptu televised beheading, and yet it is a risk he is willing to take to fight for what he believes in.

(Photo courtesy Liebermania)
Cal Thomas is an extremely perceptive and patriotic analyst of the political trends in our country, and as usual, he has hit the nail right on the head with respect to the Lamont insurgents:
The narrow primary defeat of veteran senator Joe Lieberman in Connecticut's Democratic primary is more than a loss for one man. It is a loss for his party and for the country. It completes the capture of the Democratic Party by its Taliban wing.
They used to be "San Francisco Democrats," a phrase coined by former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Jeane Kirkpatrick to describe the party's 1984 convention. But they have now morphed into Taliban Democrats because they are willing to "kill" one of their own, if he does not conform to the narrow and rigid agenda of the party's kook fringe.
One thing I admire about Joe Lieberman is that he realizes that any minute a swarm of Lamont suppporters could jump him and rip his body apart limb from limb, or perhaps even perpetrate an impromptu televised beheading, and yet it is a risk he is willing to take to fight for what he believes in.
I can't believe Osammy abandoned us like that. Mel, you tell him to get that sticker off his head, and to knock that shit off.
This was typically brilliant work from Mr. Thomas, but I think his editors must have omitted the part where the Taliban Democrats mandate burqas for America's womenfolk and forbid suggestive vegetable arrangements in grocery stores. It's in the platform.
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