Dia in vitam...
Ego lego novus hodie oh , puer
Super a felicis vir quisnam no grade
Quod sententia novus eram quinymo tristis Puteus ,
Ego iustus derideo
Ego lego "photograph"
Is blew suus mens sicco in gestum
Is no animadverto ut lux lucis
A turba of populus scamnum quod astrum
They'd seen suus visio pro
Nemo eram vere certus si
is eram ex Domus Dominatio
Ego lego a membrana hodie oh , puer
exercitus inglesus iustus bellum
A turba populus verto absentis
Tamen EGO iustus aspicio
lego libri I'd diligo verto vos in...
Opus Hodiernus---Gubernationus
When I started this blog, I said that I wanted to have a serious dialogue with everyday, normal citizens about the damage being wrought by the rampant socialist judeo-secularism in California. Through this dialogue, I had hoped to find some ideas for halting and reversing the spread of this vile socialist judeo-secularism. The response has exceeded my wildest expectations by far.
Incredibly, an organization, comprised of ordinary grassroots citizens concerned about our great state's future has formed and set up a website asking me to run for governor. Really! This refreshing grassroots genesis can be seen at
DraftMelGibson.comThis grassroots movement has been quite widespread, by the way, in its reach. On various conservative blogs that I frequent, I have seen many links to
DraftMelGibson.com, and perhaps the enthusiastic response this patriotic group of grassroots activists has engendered is a testament to the backlash against the socialist judeo-secularism which has taken California hostage.
But one comment posting on one rightwing blog,
GayPatriot (in itself an oxymoron, right?) caught my eye in particular, and I wanted to correct a misinterpretation made by the author of that posting, and take exception to one other posting by a different author as well.
The first posting started off simply enough. A grassroots patriot endeavored to spread the good word about
DraftMelGibson.com. The original discussion topic was about the truly breakneck pace of Democracy's spread around the world under the Bush administration (Great topic!).
This astute comment was made by a grassroots activist:
Patriot, Democracy starts, of course, at home. Let’s get a REAL Republican governor in California. Let’s Draft Mel Gibson!DraftMelGibson.com
But then the conversation took a strange turn
[...]Uhm, what is it about you folks out there and hollywood celebs? Why Gibson? If I had lived there during the recall, I would have voted for McClintock — who would easily have taken the election, in the red states. Course, I didn’t live there, and never will, since Californistan is at the very top of my “no way would I ever live in that socialist pit” list.
Now of course, I have not decided to run for governor, what I am doing is having a dialogue. But I do think that this poster makes a fundamental mistake. They appear to think that since I am an actor from "Californistan (good one!)," I am a socialist liberal. That is quite far from the truth. I am fighting for quite the opposite: a revolution to restore true Christian values in California.
It doesn't end there. Another commenter made a misguided conclusion about me as well.
Which makes me wonder when California’s “Katrina” that exposes the massive failures of Socialist liberalism will occurr.
Not that I would wish that on anybody, but folks need to see the failures for what they are. If it can happen without a major disaster, then so much the better.
Comment by ThatGayConservative — December 22, 2005 @ 1:10 am - December 22, 2005
Now let me be clear here. Unlike many in our liberal media, I certainly do not think that extent of damage from Hurricane Katrina had anything to do with a lack of preparation or resources on the part of FEMA and the Bush administration. To the contrary, it was, quite as the commenter points out, nothing more than the massive failure of socialist liberalism that was on display. I mean, were it not for socialist liberalism, things would not have been nearly as bad; that much is obvious.
I also heartily agree with the author that a horrific disaster which will lay bare the failures of socialist liberalism is not far away for California.
But the commenter appears to be making this comment in connection with the last one, implying that some grassroots Californians' desire to get me to run for governor is somehow a manifestation of this liberalism.
Anyone who knows me, however, knows that this suggestion is ridiculous. I am no socialist liberal; I want to save California from socialist judeo-secularism. During the course of the wonderful dialogue I am having with all of you on this blog, I will decide how to best do that.
In the meantime, however, I ask all of you God-fearing fans to pay thatgayconservative a visit at
his own blog and let him know that he has seriously misrepresented me and my beliefs. Let's put an end to these falsehoods.